Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Get Rid of Canker Sores

Canker sores are small ulcers in the mouth which are unnoticeable by other people. However, their small size does not mean that it doesn’t hurt. Canker sores can last for several days and can hurt whenever you eat or brush your teeth. There are currently no definitive reasons for why canker sores exist.

The best way to get rid of canker sores is to avoid it in the first place. Avoid toothpastes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). SLS has been shown to break down the skin’s natural protection which eventually leads to canker sores. Another cause of canker sores is stress. By getting rid of stress, you’ll ultimately get rid of canker sores too. Get enough sleep since lack of sleep can result in canker sores. If you lack certain nutrients, you can also develop canker sores. So take those multivitamins in order to get rid of canker sores.

Other things you do to get rid of canker sores are to brush your mouth and rinse with antibacterial mouth wash. By using antibacterial mouth wash, you clean out the bacteria that linger in the canker sore which worsens the condition.

Other canker sore remedies are applying baking soda on the canker sore, staying away from acidic and spicy foods, and rinsing your mouth with salt water or hydrogen peroxide.

Eating yogurt which has acidophilus can also speed up the recovery time of canker sores. The acidophilus in the yogurt helps by stimulating the immune system.

Pharmacies usually sell OTC that can ease the pain of canker sores. These come in either a spray or topical form.